Adherence with advice to stop smoking in patients with Inflammatory Arthritis on Methotrexate.
Salamet Ali, Arslan Ather, Eleanor Dunlee, Ursula Bond, Michael Regan
South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Cork
The patients with diagnosis of IJD, who commenced on Methotrexate are advised to stop smoking by Consultant/NCHD . They receive education about methotrexate and lifestyle changes by Rheumatology Specialist nurse.
To determine level of adherence with advice given to stop smoking at first as well as subsequent visits in accordance with ACR/BSR guidelines & local protocols to ensure compliance to facilitate complete remission.
Data was collected from 50 consecutive patients at follow-up visits at Rheumatology clinics in SIVUH over a 3-month period from 1st October 2018 to 31st December 2018. After consent, the patient was interviewed & a questionnaire was filled for data collection.
The results are as follows:
Ex-Smoker/Non-Smoker on 1st Clinic : 72%
% of Smokers at 1st visit: 28 % (Target patients )
% of Target Patients Stopped smoking : 36 %
% of Target Patients reduced smoking : 50%
Non-Compliant with advice : 14%
The audit shows that the vast majority of patients (86%)are either fully or partially compliant with advice while only 14% are not. We can device strategies to get it as near as possible to 100%.