Knowledge, Attitude and Satisfaction of Patients Undergoing Intra-articular Injection with Steroid in CUH Rheumatology Service
Safi Ghazi Alqatari, Kaumal Baig, Dr Grainne Murphy, Dr Joe McKenna, Dr. Eanna Falvey
Rheumatology Department/Cork University Hospital
Proper education of patients undergoing invasive but non-lifesaving procedures is very important. It is crucial to properly educate patients regarding the procedure they will undergo to maintain their autonomy.
Proper consenting for these procedures requires patient education about their indications, contraindications, benefits and side effects. One of these procedures is intra-articular steroid injection.
With the ever progressive media, people’s attention are changing. One of the things that we should explore is the attention and response to different educational materials.
To compare knowledge, attitude and satisfaction of patients when exposed to a leaflet or a video for education in advance of therapeutic joint injection. Secondarily to correlate the time spent with each educational modality and rates of treatment refusal following education. preprocess
This study was conducted in a large tertiary referral rheumatology centre. 100 patients considered for therapeutic injection were included (50 leaflet, 50 video). A specifically designed animated educational video was developed which included the same information regarding intra-articular steroid injection as those receiving paper-based education. Information retention post-procedure was assessed after 30 minutes. preprocess
92% in the video group were very satisfied compared with 72% of the leaflet group (P=0.03). The video group displayed higher rates of data retention (84% versus 50%) (P<0.001). For each question, the video group outperformed (P<0.001). Older people were less likely to know their diagnosis (P=0.001) and people who attained a higher education were aware more of their diagnosis (P=0.02). 18% of the video group withdrew from receiving the injection compared with 12 % of those receiving the leaflet (P=0.401). The length of time spent reading the leaflet increased the patients’ ability to answer correctly (P<0.001).
Supporting other studies, video education is superior to an information leaflet in educating patients with no impact of age, sex or education. Although most of the our patients were satisfied with either method, rates were higher in those educated by video. Patients who withdrew from the injection, regardless of method, had a better understanding of the procedure. preprocess