The ISR Spring Meeting for 2025 is scheduled for 10/11 April in the Sligo Park Hotel, Sligo.
CALL FOR CLINICAL CASES ONLY – we are inviting submission of Clinical Cases only for this Meeting opening on the Friday, 31 January and closing on Friday, 24 February 2025. Submissions received after this date will not be included. Your submission should include all the personnel involved in addition to your hospital/institution name. The first author should be the presenter. If your case is accepted for an award the prize will go to the first author/presenter.
Looking forward to receiving your Clinical Case submission.
REGISTRATION – As in previous years delegates must be pre-registered for this meeting as there will be NO registration taking place at the event. Online registration is now open on the ISR website: www.isr.ie and will close at 5pm on Tuesday, 08 April. Dinner should also be booked at the same time as registering online. Dinner will cost €60 per person including wine.
ACCOMMODATION – If you require accommodation in the Sligo Park Hotel – this must be booked through the ISR office (telephone: 01 231 5251) giving your card details to secure. (€150 single b/b; €169 double/twin b/b).